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1031 Exchange Resources

Blogs, faqs, calculators, and media related to 1031 exchanges

Professionals browsing 1031 resources


1031 Exchange Calculator

This 1031 Exchange calculator will estimate the taxable impact of your proposed sale and purchase. To pay no tax when executing a 1031 Exchange, you must purchase at least as much as you sell (Net Sale) AND you must use all of the cash received (Net Cash Received). If you take cash out and/or you purchase less than you sell, it is considered recognized gain and will be taxed. By changing any value in the following form fields, calculated values are immediately provided for displayed output values.

1031 Exchange Timeline Calculator

A 1031 Exchange requires meeting very strict deadlines for successful completion. Use this calculator to help you determine the deadlines for the 45-Day Identification Period and the 180-Day Exchange Period based on the closing date you provide for the relinquished property.

Investment Property Calculator

An investment property can be an excellent investment. This calculator is designed to examine the potential return you might receive from an investment property.


Elements of Stiles Episode 130 - Jim Gudenau: The Long Play

Mark has a talk with Jim Gudenau of Leader1031 to learn the history and advantages of the 1031 'like-kind' exchange that allows investors to avoid a taxable event when swapping properties.




Building Interest Podcast Episode 20: The Challenges and Successes of Launching a Product in a New Target Market

This week on the Building Interest Podcast, we are joined by Leader Bank’s Vice President of Leader1031 Kayla Frerking to discuss her leadership journey as well as the process of launching a new product at the Bank in a new target market.

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