Loan Servicing
Frequently Asked Questions

Loan Servicing Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I pay my mortgage?
- How to edit/cancel automatic recurring payments in the Leader Bank Loan Payment…
- How to request a loan payment refund?
- How can I find my loan statements online?
- Where can I find my loan account information?
- How do I enroll in automatic recurring loan payments?
- How do I change the address on my profile?
- How do I adjust the mortgage payment amount?
- Where can I find my payment amount?
- How do I request a mortgage payoff?
- What is the loan servicing fax number?
- What is an escrow analysis?
- Where can I find my escrow amount?
- When do you perform escrow analysis?
- Leader Bank escrows my taxes/insurance payments. Why do I still get a bill?
- What is an escrow overage?
- What is an escrow shortage?
- My monthly payment went up. How can I tell if it is because my property tax inc…
- What happens if I do not pay my taxes on time on a non-escrowed loan?
- My taxes/insurances are not escrowed. What are my obligations regarding my taxe…
- What do I need to do if my payment amount changed, and I have automated payment…
- Who should I contact if my monthly escrow payment increased?
- What is the required minimum balance?
- How do I find information about my escrow analysis?
- When after the escrow analysis will the adjusted payment take affect?
- What are the most common reasons that my escrow payment might change?
- What browsers can I use for the Loan Payment Portal?
- How do I register for Leader Bank’s loan payment portal?
- How can I make a one-time loan payment electronically?
- How to set up an automatic recurring payment through our Loan Payment Portal?
- Who can enroll in the online loan payment portal?
- How do I change or cancel my loan automatic payment?
- How will I receive my escrow refund?
- How do I enroll in e-statements?
- How do I remove PMI on my loan?
- What are the subordination requirements?