Account Basics
How do I check my balance in digital banking?
Once logged in, your account balance will be displayed on the homepage.
How do I navigate the interface on my mobile device?
How do I navigate the interface on my computer?
How do I log out of digital banking?
Select the "Log Off" option on the menu banner displayed at the top of your screen.
How do I view my transactions in digital banking?
From the homepage, select the account you would like to view.
How do I view account activity?
Select the "Transfers and Payments" option on the menu banner displayed at the top of your screen. Then select "Online Activity" at the bottom.
How do I view my account details?
What is the difference between Current Balance and Available Balance?
Available Balance is the balance available for your immediate use. Your Available Balance may differ from your Current Balance because it includes transactions that have not yet settled. Current Balance is the balance of the account before pending transactions settle.
How current is my account information?
Account information displays in real time.
What is the Leader Bank routing number?
The Leader Bank routing number is 011307129.
Where can I find my account number in digital banking?
The account number can be found when on the Home Page within the Accounts section, and there are two ways to view your full account number. Option 1: Select the account you wish to see the full account number of, then select "Details & Settings". The full account information will display. Option 2: You can select the menu icon within the account and select "Settings". This will bring you to the full account information.
What accessibility options are available?
Our app offers a high contrast mode for better visibility.
How do I organize and group my accounts?
How do I nickname an account?
How do I set my account preferences?
How do I cancel individual transactions?
How do I cancel recurring transactions?
Video Banking
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If you are having any trouble with our digital banking platform please call 781-785-8111.